Apex Precision Mechatronix Pvt. Ltd. Offers 2, 4, 6, 8 Axes Motion Controllers. Apex Precision Mechatronix Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO accredited company that supplies Linear Motion Systems, Pneumatic Products, Gears, Racks & Pinions, Safety Couplings, Precision Locknuts Locking Elements, etc. The 2, 4, 6, 8 Axes Motion Controllers of model SPiiPlus 3U is a rack mounted controller. The 2, 4, 6, 8 Axes Motion Controller is intended for OEM rack based systems that want the advantages of the SPiiPlus system in a convenient 3U rack format.
2, 4, 6, 8 Axes Motion Controller provides outstanding smooth coordinated motion, programmability, ease of use, sub-nanometre resolution and high speed without compromising accuracy and throughput. SPiiPlus 3U accurate motion control is obtained using a 20kHz sampling rate, customized control algorithms, gantry control, 0.25MHz or fast 2.5MHz Sin-Cos encoder interpolation, real-time registration and position compare outputs, software commutation and ACSPL+ multi-tasking application language. A powerful suite of software tools provides high speed host communication via multiple channels and a quick application development, system setup and analysis.